dinsdag 15 juli 2008

"Passion never plays the game" en andere memorabele gedachten uit het werk van John Galsworthy (1867-1933)

Of Change: Change! There's nothing but change. It'sthe one constant. Well! Who wouldn't have a river rather than a pond?

Of Conscience: He had not that maddening conscientiousness which refused happiness for the sake of refusing.

Of Duty: He found his duty in life very clear, and other people's perhaps clearer.

Of Fear: It's the black godmother of all damnable things.

Of Faith: Can you have faith in a Life-Force so darned extravagant that it makes mincemeat of you by the million?

Of History: "Has it ever struck you that history is nothing but the story of how people have taken things into their own hands, and got themselves or others into and out of trouble over it?"

Of Judgment: Those who by temperament are worst fitted are usually the first to judge.

Of Love: A strange haphazard thing, spun between ecstasy and torture!

Of Newspapers (The Reading of): It has often been remarked that the breakfast-tables of people who avow themselves indifferent to what the Press may say of them are garnished by all the newspapers on the morning when there is anything to say.

Of Pride (Wounded): Is there any older, deeper, more obstinate cause of human trouble, or any more natural and excusable?

In 1932, het jaar voor zijn overlijden, werd John Galsworthy onderscheiden met de Nobelprijs voor Literatuur for his distinguished art of narration which takes its highest form in The Forsyth Saga.
1. John Galsworthy, de Engelse schrijver van kort proza, romans en toneelstukken. In 1932 werd hem de Nobelprijs voor Literatuur toegekend.
2. Voorzijde van de bundel Ex Libris van John Galsworthy, nog door hemzelf, met ondesteuning ene A.S. samengesteld. Uitgegeven in 1933.
Het boek was in 1994 bestemd voor het oud papier, maar de eigenares begreep dat het voor een Nederlandse schrijver ook nu nog zijn waarde kon hebben en schonk het mij.

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